Workshop: Intelligent Sensing, Signal Processing and Predictive Modeling for Proactive Healthcare

THRUST 2: ICT-inspired biomedicine (Pervasive healthcare)
Proposer: Xiaorong Ding, Research Associate Professor, UESTC

Biographical Sketch of the Proposer: Dr. Ding is a research associate professor at the School of Life Science and Technology, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Her current research focuses on smart wearable health, biomedical signal process and AI for healthcare. She has graduated from Department of Electronic Engineering at CUHK in 2016, with her research work on wearable cuffless blood pressure estimation. After doing postdoc at CUHK for one year, she did her postdoc research at University of Oxford for about three years, with research work on developing the intelligent systems that can monitor patient condition at home and help patients manage long-term conditions.  

Abstract: Proactive healthcare is an inevitable trend for future health, as the paradigm of proactive healthcare shifts medical disease care of traditional reactive healthcare to self-health care. It has great potential to prevent disease, screen and detect disease at an early time, as well as improve healthcare outcome while driving down the cost. Emerging technologies on novel sensing, ubiquitous health monitoring, anomaly detection, risk evaluation and prediction are key to proactive healthcare. In this workshop, we will invite 10 experts in the areas of pervasive sensing, biomedical signal processing and predictive modelling that can advance the translations of the technology into real practice. More specifically, topics on wearable sensing and system, novel smart algorithms and clinical application will be covered.

Submission Dates for Workshop:
Paper Submission Deadline: 1 March 2024
Notification of Acceptance: 1 April 2024
Camera-Ready Submission: 1 June 2024

Paper submission

Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section).