Workshop: Brain-Apparatus Communication

Proposers: Dezhong Yao, Professor, UESTC
Jing Lu, Associate Professor, UESTC

Dezhong Yao received the PhD degree from the Chengdu University of Technology,
Chengdu, China, in 1991. He is currently a Full Professor with the School of Life Science
and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu. His
research interests include braininformatics, brain-apparatus communication and big
neuro data mining. Dr. Yao is a Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological

Jing Lu received the PhD degree from University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China, and now is an associate professor at the School of Life Science and Technology,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He mainly uses EEG and
magnetic resonance imaging to study music and neuroplasticity in aging and emotion.

Abstract: Brain-Apparatus Communication is a new and rapidly developing field that
capitalizes on progress in cross-disciplinary research. Here, ‘apparatus’ encompasses
instruments or complex devices for a specific purpose as well as physiological entities
such as living organs that serve a specific function. Brain-Apparatus Communication is a
unified framework for interactions between the brain and the outside physical world, such
as brain-machine interfaces or brain-computer interfaces, as well as communications
between the brain and the internal physiological organs. This approach cuts across
traditional disciplines and integrates recent advances in technology and engineering
disciplines with progress in cognitive neuroscience, clinical sciences, and information
sciences, which may help develop bio-inspired information and communications

Submission Dates for Workshop:
Paper Submission Deadline: 1 March 2024
Notification of Acceptance: 1 April 2024
Camera-Ready Submission: 1 June 2024

Paper submission

Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section).