BICT 2014, 8th International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (formerly BIONETICS), took place in Boston, Massachusetts, United States, December 1st – 3rd, 2014.
BIONETICS 2012, 7th International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, took place in Lugano, Switzerland, December 10th – 11th, 2012.
BIONETICS 2011, 6th International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, took place in York, England, December 5th – 6th, 2011.
BIONETICS 2010, 5th International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, took place in Boston, USA, December 1st – 3rd, 2010.
BIONETICS 2009, 4th International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, took place in Hyogo, Japan, December 9th – 11th, 2009.
BIONETICS 2008, 3rd International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, took place in Avignon, France, November 25th – 28th, 2008.
BIONETICS 2007, 2nd International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, took place in Budapest, Hungary, December 10th – 13th, 2007.
BIONETICS 2006, 1st International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, took place in Cavalese, Italy, December 11th – 13th, 2007.