Proceedings published:
The BEST PAPER AWARD was assigned (by participants' voting) to: Jerome Guzzi, Alessandro Giusti, Luca M. Gambardella, Gianni A. Di Caro, for the paper Bioinspired Obstacle Avoidance Algorithms for Robot Swarms
The conference PROGRAM is online (PDF)
The Social Program is online
The BIONETICS 2012 Conference Registration is now open.
Camera-ready deadline is 30 November 2012.
Four Keynote speakers: (more info in Keynote talks )
Prof. Juergen Schmidhuber (IDSIA, Lugano, Switzerland):
Neural Network ReNNaissance & Formal Theory of FunProf. Nicola Gatti (Politecnico of Milan, Italy):
Crowding games: a formal method for social interactionProf. Franco Zambonelli (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy):
Engineering Socio-Technical Urban SuperorganismsProf. Anthony Weiss (University of Sydney, Australia)
Self-Assembly at the Molecular Scale
You are cordially invited to participate to BIONETICS 2012, the 7th International ICST Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing Systems, to be held in Lugano, Switzerland, from December 10th to 11th 2012 (Monday - Tuesday), at the Congress Center.
BIONETICS 2012 aims to provide a world-leading and unique opportunity for bringing together researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines that seek the understanding of the fundamental principles and design strategies in biological systems, and leverage those understandings to build bio-inspired systems for problem-solving and engineering applications, with a special focus on: networking, distributed systems, information processing, multi-agent systems, single and multi-robot systems, biomimetics, optimization, bioinformatics, and modeling of biological and bio-synthetic systems.
Scope of the Conference
BIONETICS 2012 solicits contributions dealing with the modeling and application of ideas from natural processes and systems. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Signal/information processing and communication models in biological systems
Coordination and cooperation models in biological systems
Bio-inspired formal models and methods
Bio-inspired algorithms and mechanisms
Bio-inspired software and hardware systems
Biomimetics, bioengineering, and synthetic biological systems
Modeling and simulation of bio-inspired systems, biological systems, synthetic biological systems
Self-* properties in bio-inspired systems, biological systems and synthetic biological systems
Design and performance issues in bio-inspired systems and synthetic biological systems
Design of hybrid systems combining bio-inspired methods with methods from other domains
Tools, testbeds, and deployment issues in bio-inspired and synthetic biological systems
Real-world applications and standardization of bio-inspired systems and synthetic biological systems
Socially-aware, game theoretic, and other metaphor-driven interdisciplinary approaches to bio-inspired systems and synthetic biological systems
Special Tracks
Organic computing systems
Bio-inspired cooperative networking
Engineering emergence: techniques, applications, and practice
Bio-inspired cooperation and coordination in swarm robotics and multi-robot systems
Bio-inspired learning mechanisms in single and multi-agent/component systems
Nano-scale communications and networking
Design and engineering of swarm systems
Bio-inspired intrusion detection in networks and multi-robot systems
Bio-inspired processing of audio and visual information
Modeling and application of gene regulatory networks
Bio-inspired self-assembly from nano- to macro-scales